Most businesses and service entities experience frequent visits—by customers, vendors, contractors, applicants, delivery drivers, and others—during the course of a typical workweek. Modifying your entry
protocols to include adopting the policies outlined below will help you maintain a safe work environment as you reopen and reoccupy.
To enable the COVID screening questions at the kiosk level you can follow the steps listed below.
1. A FrontDesk user with Administration rights should navigate to the ADMINISTRATION tab, then to Manage Customer Account. LobbyGuard has populated the 5 questions according to the CDC guidelines. As these standard questions change you can update the questions and/or limit the amount of questions presented on the kiosk by simply deleting the text. For example. If you want to present 4 questions simply delete the text in the Question 5 box and click save.
2. The next step is to ensure that the "Ask COVID-19 Questions" workflow option is selected. If you want to present the COVID screening questions for all visitor types and reasons for visit you will want to repeat this process as needed, followed by saving each workflow option at the bottom of your screen. Keep in mind, a kiosk restart is required after any changes are made in FrontDesk.
3. The screen below is what will display on the kiosk after you have enabled the workflow option as shown above. If the person(s) signing into your LobbyGuard product select NO, that person will be able to proceed to the next screen determined by your workflow options configured in your FrontDesk account.
4. If the person select YES to the COVID screening question that person will be presented with the following screen and not allowed to continue with the sign-in process. In this event you will want to setup a notification rule that we will cover next. LobbyGuard recommends the notification(s) are delivered to designated security personnel and/or designated staff, and they can escort the person safely from the facility. In the case of potential COVID-19 exposure, security personnel should also urge the person to seek the advice of a medical caregiver.
5. In the event a visitor selected YES to the COVID screening questions the image below is an example of a notification that can be sent via text and/or email to the required recipients. LobbyGuard offers a variety of rules that have the ability to initiate triggers notifying staff members of visitor activity, as well as other triggers that make it easier to manage your LobbyGuard product. CLICK HERE FOR ASSISTANCE IN CREATING RULES IN FRONTDESK.