a. Activate the Visitor Type within the Administrative Utility
i. If you have created a new Visitor Type, but it does not appear during the sign-in process, then you have likely forgotten to activate it after creation. For details on how to activate Visitor Types within the Administrative Utility, download the LobbyGuard User Manual, and review the section labeled “Stations”—which is a sub-section of the “Administration” section.
ii. To activate a new Visitor Type, log into the Administrative Utility, and navigate to “AdministrationàStations”. Select your station/facility from the dropdown menu at the top. Next, scroll down to the section labeled “Kiosk Visitor Types”. These checkboxes enables/disables visitor type created in the Workflow section. Select the visitor types you would like enabled, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Update General Settings”.
1. The visitor types that are checked are displayed for your visitors to choose from during sign-in, and those that are not checked are hidden from view.
2. Note: when you are on the Workflow page creating new Visitor Types, they are disabled by default until you navigate to the Kiosks tab to activate them.
iii. Logout of the Administrative Utility, restart the kiosk, and sign-in.
iv. If your new Visitor Types still do not appear, skip to step b.
b. If this option does not resolve your issues, please contact LobbyGuard Support at 1-866-905-6229.