a. Verify your kiosk has a working internet connection
i. If your security alerts are not being sent, you will need to first verify that your kiosk has internet connectivity. Exit the LobbyGuard program and access the Windows Desktop. Click on the Start button, open the Windows Control Panel, and select Network Connections.
ii. On the item “Local Area Connection”, the status should state “Connected”. If it does, skip to step 4b. If it does not, a possible cause may be the two Ethernet cables the kiosk uses for internet.
1. Note: be sure the status does not say “Firewalled”. If it does, in the Windows Control Panel open the Windows Firewall, select “Off”, and click OK.
iii. Verify that the external Ethernet cable is plugged into the back of the machine, and that the other end of this cable is plugged into a working internet jack in the wall. You may also want to try using another Ethernet cable, as this cable may be damaged or the pins and wiring are not transmitting signals correctly.
iv. There is also a smaller Ethernet cable inside of the kiosk, verify this cable is plugged in on both ends as well.
1. To verify if this internal cable is connected, locate your LobbyGuard key and open the back door. Do not let go of or lay down the kiosk door, as doing so would break or damage the cables running to the back of the unit. Please have someone assist you by holding the door open at a 45 degree angle, or do so yourself if you feel comfortable. Verify one end is plugged into the RJ45 jack on the inside of the kiosk’s back door, and that the other end is plugged into the Ethernet port on the motherboard; the tiny lights on the port should illuminate.
2. Note: the RJ45 Ethernet jack on the inside of the kiosk may come loose, so if you believe this jack is damaged or disconnected, please contact LobbyGuard Support for instructions on repair or replacement.
v. After reconnecting both cables, verify if the connection status is now “Connected”. If so, please restart your kiosk for the internet connection to release and renew. Sign-in as an offender or a red-flag visitor to retest the security alert feature.
1. If the status of your network connection is still “disconnected” or “disabled”, please contact your institution’s Networking or I.T. department for assistance. It will be helpful if they review official Microsoft documentation on how to troubleshoot and resolve network and internet connectivity issues within Windows XP, found here.
2. If they analyze the unit and also need assistance, have them contact LobbyGuard Support.
vi. If your alerts are still not being sent or received, skip to step 4b.
b. Verify security alerts are setup properly, following the correct format and syntax
i. To verify if the security alerts have been entered properly, you will need to access the Administrative Utility. Please download the LobbyGuard User Manual and review the section labeled “Accessing the Administrative Utility”.
ii. Log into the Administrative Utility and navigate to the “Rules” tab. You may create or edit rules on this tab such as security alerts, autosignout, and autoshutdown.
iii. If the rule is created, verify that the “Failed Background Check” trigger is selected and the “Station” is highlighted.
iv. The email box for “Actions” should be checked and all of the email addresses should be entered correctly.
v. Logout of the Administrative Utility, restart the kiosk, and test the security alert feature.
vi. If your alerts are still not being sent or received, skip to step 4c.
c. Check your junk-mail folders, and your network’s content and spam filters
i. It’s very possible that security alerts are being sent, they’re just being caught within your network’s filters, or within the junk-mail filters of the recipients. It can be very difficult to verify whether alerts are not being sent, or are just not being received.
ii. Verify the email addresses of the recipients and have them open their email box and confirm that the alerts are not being caught in their junk-mail folders. If the alerts are being filtered, have them add the sender and the alert to the “safe-list”.
iii. If junk-mail folders are not filtering the alerts, it’s possible that the alerts are not even being received at all by the email accounts. To verify if the network’s spam filter or content filter is filtering out or deleting the alerts, contact your institution’s Networking or I.T. department. If they need additional information on how to identify the alerts, or how to setup exceptions, please have them contact LobbyGuard Support.
iv. If your alerts are still not being sent or received, skip to step 4e.
d. Your network has a proxy server or secure firewall, blocking kiosk communications
i. If your institution employs proxy servers, content-filtering web security, or a very secure firewall, please contact LobbyGuard Support. LobbyGuard will need to update your LobbyGuard version, modify your kiosk configuration files, as well as work with your institution’s network administrator in setting up kiosk communications.
ii. If proxy or firewall security is not the issue or has already been resolved, and your alerts are still not being sent or received, skip to step 4f.
f. If these options do not resolve your issues, please contact LobbyGuard Support at 1-866-905-6229.