Computer performance generally benefits form an occasional reboot. A shutdown will give Windows a fresh start, clear of any digital cobwebs it acquired since its last boot. You can set up a RULE to shut down your kiosk(s) at a given time everyday, you will need to power on the machine when ready for use.
Log into FrontDesk at Click on the ADMINISTRATION section on the left side of the screen then click on RULES. From the RULES page select Add to create a new rule.
Create a Name for the rule and description if needed. Select Time of Day from the "Trigger" pick-list then check the box for the kiosk(s) for which this rule should execute on. In the "Actions" section select Power Down and/or Assist station then click Save.
To power on the scout you will need to locate the power button on the bottom left side of the kiosk. Using the eraser end of a standard pencil push the pencil into the index hole located on the bottom left corner of the Scout. You will feel the power button depress and the unit should power on