It is important to keep an accurate record of who is in your building as well as who is no longer in your building. Signing out visitors as they leave is critical to accurate record keeping, and LobbyGuard offers several methods for signing out your visitors.
Self-Service / Bar Code Sign-Out
Each printed visitor badge contains a unique bar code. Visitors can scan this bar code at the LobbyGuard kiosk bar code scanner and be instantly signed out, with no need to touch the kiosk.
Hold the bar coded section of the badge under the scanner until you hear a "beep" and you will see confirmation of the sign-out on the kiosk screen:
LobbyGuard FrontDesk Visitor Sign-Out
You can also sign out any visitor from the FrontDesk web site by following these instructions:
- Login to LobbyGuard FrontDesk at
- Click on the VISITORS section on the left side of the screen, then click on the SIGNED IN section. You will see the list of visitors currently signed in:
- Click the red arrow located to the far right of the visitor you wish to sign out. The visitor will be signed out of the building.
- You can also sign out ALL currently signed in visitors from LobbyGuard FrontDesk. This can be useful after the building is closed for the day. Click the yellow button located in the top right corner of the visitor log to sign out all visitors:
LobbyGuard Rules Sign-Out
You can set a "Rule" in LobbyGuard that will automatically sign out all visitors at a certain time each day. Follow these steps to set up this rule:
- Login to LobbyGuard FrontDesk at
- Click the "ADMINISTRATION" section on the left side of the screen and click the "RULES" section. You will see the LobbyGuard Rules page.
- Click the "Add" button to add a new rule. You will see the Edit Rules screen:
- In the NAME field enter "Sign-Out Rule"
- In the DESCRIPTION field enter "Automatically sign out all visitors"
- Click on the TRIGGER field and choose TIME OF DAY. A new field will appear below the Trigger field from which you should select the time of day that you wish to sign out all visitors.
- Choose the Kiosk(s) to which you wish to apply this rule by clicking the box to the left of the kiosk name in the KIOSKS section.
- Click the box to the left of the SIGN OUT ALL VISITORS in the ACTIONS section.
- Click SAVE to save and active this rule. All visitors for the chosen kiosk(s) will be automatically signed out each day at the time indicated.