The LobbyGuard Registration Wizard
Prior to using LobbyGuard v5 you will need to complete the Registration Wizard. This guide will walk you through each step in the Wizard and provide details and clarification on the various screens and inputs.
Use this screen to select the language to be used throughout the remainder of the Registration Wizard. The language chosen will also be the default language displayed on your kiosk during normal use.
Step 1: Welcome
This is a welcome screen that requires no input. Click NEXT to proceed.
Step 2: Preparation
This screen provides instructions to follow to prepare for successful registration. Follow each instruction and click NEXT when complete. The Customer ID for your installation should have been sent via email or regular mail. If you do not have your customer ID please send your customer name, contact name and kiosk serial# to and request your customer ID.
Step 3: Diagnostics
This screen will run a number of diagnostics to identify any issues with your internet connection or other services that will be used by LobbyGuard during the course of normal use. Click the START button to begin diagnostics and you will see the following upon successful completion of the Diagnostics.
You will be made aware of any issues that are discovered during this step and will be provided with instructions or recommendations for resolution. Click NEXT to continue to the next step in the Wizard.
Step 4: Terms and Conditions
This screen provides the Terms and Conditions for use of LobbyGuard. Click the checkbox to agree to the terms and click NEXT to proceed.
Step 5: Customer ID and Kiosk
This screen requires you to enter the Customer ID and Station Name into the fields provided:
Customer ID: You should have received your Customer ID via email or regular mail. If you do not have your Customer ID please send a request to and include your customer name, contact name, contact email address and kiosk serial number.
Station Name: This is a descriptive name for this LobbyGuard Kiosk. It is used to identify the kiosk used by the visitor during sign-in and sign-out and is displayed in reports and configuration options. The kiosk name should be descriptive and include the building name and / or the location of this Kiosk in the building.
Step 6: Contact Information
This screen provides fields for entering important customer contact information. This information is kept confidential by LobbyGuard Solutions, LLC and is used solely to provide better support and customer service.
Country: select the country in which this LobbyGuard product will be deployed.
Customer Name: the name of the organization using the product.
Customer Contact Name: the person responsible for the LobbyGuard product at the customer location.
Customer Contact Phone: the phone number for the Customer Contact, above.
Customer Contact Email: the email address for the Customer Contact, above.
Customer Facility: The building in which this LobbyGuard product will be deployed.
Kiosk Serial Number: The serial number for LobbyGuard product. If you are having difficulty locating your product serial number clicks the “What’s this?” link to the right of the field for instructions.
Step 7: Time Zone
Set the time zone and update policy for your LobbyGuard product on this screen. Use the drop-down menu to select the time zone in which this LobbyGuard product will be deployed. Check the box for “Enable automatic updates on this kiosk” to receive updates to the LobbyGuard software and you will be presented with a field to indicate the time of the update. Your updates will be pushed to your LobbyGuard product at the time chosen.
Step 8: Data Storage
Use this screen to choose the method for storing your LobbyGuard data.
IMPORTANT: Unless you have made special arrangements with LobbyGuard Solutions, LLC to store your data otherwise, you should ONLY choose “LobbyGuard Cloud Services” from the choices available. Failure to follow this recommendation may prevent your product from functioning.
Step 9: Review
Review all your data entry on this screen. Click the EDIT button to the right of any fields you wish to change. When you are happy with the data presented click the REGISTER button to register your kiosk. You will be notified of successful registration. If you have any issues with the registration step please contact for assistance.
Step 10: Create User Account
This screen provides fields for the creation of your user account credentials to the LobbyGuard Customer Portal. You will use this portal to view visitor records, run reports, configure your LobbyGuard installation(s) and much more.
Email Address: enter the email address you wish to use when signing in to the Customer Portal.
Password: enter the password you wish to use. The password should be 6 characters or less.
Confirm Password: re-enter the password to validate correct entry.
Step 11: Thank You
This screen provides you with confirmation of successful creation of your LobbyGuard Customer Portal Account.
IMPORTANT: Make note of the information provided on this screen. You will need it to access the LobbyGuard Customer Portal.
Step 12: Product Training
The next step in the process for using LobbyGuard is to receive training on the proper use of the product. Contact your salesperson or visit for on-site or remote-based training and instruction on the product.
Click the FINISH button and the LobbyGuard software will launch. If there are available updates to your software, you will see the LobbyGuard Updater on your screen. If you have any issues or questions regarding the Updater please refer to for assistance or contact