Standard Badge:
- Name of Visitor
- Company (If enabled in workflow)
- Visitor type
- Who they are visiting (If enabled in workflow)
- Time and Date
- Photo of Visitor (If enabled in workflow)
Visitor Type Badge:
- Name of Visitor
- Company (If enabled in workflow)
- Who they are visiting (If enabled in workflow)
- Time and Date
- Visitor type
- Photo of Visitor (If enabled in workflow)
Visitor Type 2 Badge:
- Name of Visitor
- Company (If enabled in workflow)
- Reason for visit
- Time and Date
- Visitor Type
- Photo of Visitor (If enabled in workflow)
Kiosk Name Badge:
- Name of Visitor
- Kiosk Name
- Visitor Type
- Who they are visiting (If enabled in workflow)
- Time and Date
- Photo of Visitor (If enabled in workflow)
Event Badge:
- Name of visitor
- Company (If enabled in workflow)
Warning Badge:
- Prints out when a visitor fails a background check